Thursday, January 28, 2010


I think this is new. I don't recall ever doing this one before.

Warm Up:

3x each

10 inch worms

10 KB Sumo High Pull

10 jiu jitsu sit ups


10 HSPU or 10 DUs in a row


1-2 warm up sets – shoulder press

1 x 20 shoulder Press (aim for 60-65% of 1RM)



21-15-9 reps of:
Ring dips

Use appropriate weight for your strength level

Sub weighted pushups for ring dips

I had to do dips on the pvc thingys to protect my shoulders. They started to holler at me immediately on a simple practice dip. So that was a no-go.

But this was good. I really liked it. Guess bc it was so short.

Time - 5:25

Friday, January 22, 2010



I thought this was a great improvement over the last time of 35 something. But then I remembered that running on River Rock was actually slightly longer than a 5K. It was 1.8 miles one time around before.

The difference being this time, however, I wasn’t all breathy. I just kept a good pace and it was actually good. it’s the only time I’ve ever not been wanting to die on a run.

And it only took a year and a half.

Hang Clean/Push Jerk/Box Jump Chipper

Warm Up:

Dynamic Range of Motion

30 Double Unders

15 Pistols per leg (Use Resistance Bands to Scale)

Max Rep Push Ups (1 Set)


50 Hang Clean (115# or 67#)

50 Push Jerk (95# or 45#)

50 Box Jumps (24″ and 20# ball or 12# ball)

Time - 13:45.

I actually jumped on a box with a weighted ball. 12#.

This was a good WOD, but by about rep 35 it was really hurting on each one. I felt tears of anger or whatever emotion that builds up in me coming on during the last five of each one. But no leakage.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Back Squats

5,5,5, 3, 3, 3


Have GOT to remember to put my thumb OVER the bar. Makes all the difference in the world.