Friday, February 20, 2009

Run, Deadlift, Sit Ups

Warm UP
3 x 15 push ups (this was tough after 100 burpees yesterday)
SDLHP, Sumo Dead Lift High Pull with kettle bell (unsure of the weight)
Good Mornings

Complete four rounds for time of:
Run 400m (3 laps)
15 deadlifts (95#)
20 Sit-ups with weight (used 12# on till the last round and bumped up to 20#)

Pretty tough workout.

Time - 22:25

Thursday, February 19, 2009

100 Burpees for time (again and so soon!)

Just did this in January I think.
This was Ox's 100th workout at Crossfit. We were supposed to celebrate with what he wanted: Gladiator Day. I was SO stoked about beating people up and getting beaten up! But NOOOOO!!! Evan picked 100 of Ox least favorite exercises. I'm so glad I haven't kept up with how many workouts I've done!!!

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 knees to elbows

(I also threw in an L-sit to see if I could do it well (I did), but I felt it in my shoulders INSTANTLY!) Just when they were getting better....

100 Burpees for time


When I did this last time back in Janauary my time was 13:11. Really thought I would have improved, not tacked on MORE time.

oh well.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Day of Running...

Still nursing this shoulder, so couldn't do Cindy since it's so tough on them. (kippings and pushups back to back).

Warm up:
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 wall balls

Ran inside the field for 20 minutes.
18 laps = 1.5 miles exactly.
Evan wants to see me complete two miles in 20 minutes next time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catered to me and my shoulder...

No name for this one. David made it up for me.

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 kettle bell (25#)

Jump on the short box 10 times with 12# ball
lunge down the field
pull sled back with 55# weight

Five rounds. Time - 10:23

Thought it was gonna be a cinch. VERY wrong. It hit me half way down the field on the first set of lunges. But David had me push thru. Good cheerleading, dude!

Monday, February 16, 2009

21, 15, 9 Back Squats and Burpees

I'm BACK after one week off of mandatory vacation by Evan. Shoulder still botherin me. Only notice slight improvement. Ibuprofen does nothing. Forgot to ice it the past few days but notice only minimal difference. Do you know how hard it is to NOT use an entire limb? Especially your dominant one?

He modified my warm up to keep my shoulder in recovery mode.

Warm up:
Run two laps
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.

Can't believe how tight my muscles got after just one week of non-use. It was tough doing this warm up today just because my legs had to work so much harder. Weird.

21, 15, 9 of back squats (as prescribed 95#) and burpees.

Freakin HATE burpees!!!!

I want to practice kippings again sooooooo bad!!! It's killing me to lay off of them. Feels like I could pull out 10 right now!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Evan is making me not come in this week anymore to give my body and shoulders a rest so they can heal. ALTHOUGH he said MAYBE I can come back on Thursday or Friday but I think he's really wanting me to NOT.
But I went this morning and he had me do the following after a simple warm up:

For time:
50 situps
Run the loop (1.8 miles)
50 situps

26:00 minutes.

I HATE running.

Friday, February 6, 2009


AWESOME! Never done this before and I've been wanting to.

Here's what Sea Monster says about it:

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best 3 attempts of the Back Squat, Front Press and Deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.Anyone in a position to attempt a legitimate CrossFit Total should be familiar enough with their capabilities on the lifts to have a fairly good idea of just what might be possible for a one rep max (1RM).

Warm up:
uuummm....I didn't warm up much today. I just ran two laps.

Back Squat , 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep (I couldn't do this today because my shoulders are messed up from tendonitis)
Deadlift, 1 rep

One note: Today Ox lifted freakin 400 POUNDS!!! KILLER!
Back to me:
Back squat - 125#
Deadlift - 200 POUNDS! YEEEAAAA!!!!!
Shoulder Press (from a few days ago) - 65#

Total: 390 (next time I need to add it up on the spot so I can tack on that last 10 pounds if necessary)

Divide that by body weight: 144 (from two days ago at the dr.'s office) which means that I can push/lift/whatever 2.71 pounds for every one of my pounds. I have no idea if this is good or if this means anything. But it sounds cool and mathematical.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Warm up:
3x15 Squat
3x15 Sit Ups
3x15 Back Ext

Back Squats
5 rounds of 5

1. 95#
2. 100#
3. 105#
4. 110#
5. 115#

Push It!

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 push ups
3 x 15 back ext.

WOD: Presses

Shoulder Press: 60/65/65
Push Press: 75/75/80
Push Jerk: 80/85/85


5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump 24 inch box (I did like 14 or 16 inches or something)
30 Wall ball shots, 12 pound ball (for girls)

Think my time was 31:56.