Monday, December 21, 2009


My first post in some time. Damn shoulder. Takin it easy till the end of the year then going back hard core (in theory).

OHS: 77, 87, 97

FS: 117, 137 (1,2 F), 127 (1, 2, 3 F)

BS: 137, 147 (1, 2 F)

Up considerably on the last two from September.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


This was my first time. Had to go to work so couldn't finish. Stopped at 51:00 and made it to 120 squats. OH! Here's the layout:

Run 1 mile
100 pull ups
200 push ups
300 squats
Run 1 mile

Think maybe I should do this more often to help build endurance for when I finally get to compete.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

OHS & Deadlift: 3,3,3,3

OHS 105 (made four of these and failed at two)
Same p.r. I set back in July.
I'm not good at these at all.

Deadlift: 240
That was my 1 rep max last week, so this is cool. OH WAIT...No it wasnt.
245. Damn it. I would have done that today.
Well, this is still p.r. for 3 rep max.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Trail Run

Barfield trail: 34:24
Damn cold....damn cold.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Deck of Cards

Did this back the end of March and time was 39:29. Did it again in August (didn't record time) and actually exceeded the 40 minutes by a few.

Today, I did it in 27:27.

Huge jump for me and new p.r.!!


New p.r.'s:
3 rep max: 230
1 rep max: 245

Monday, October 12, 2009


8:45. 95#
Back in July I did it as prescribed in 8:10.
What's wrong with me?
I keep dropping in everything.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Feats of Strength

This was a FUN day. Just seeing what we could do.

Box jump max height: 26 1/4 (I'm such a pansy)
Weighted pull ups: 155# (that's a 20 # weight hanging on me)
Kettle bell throw: 13'
Weighted Turkish get - up: 55#

Let's try this again in six months!

Monday, October 5, 2009


Back in April I did it 15. Evan said that's a 30% increase and I should be excited about that. But the Hugheys did it 12 minutes COMBINED.

I cannot possibly compete here.

I give up.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


We did this back in June and I didn't post so I'm not real clear on my progress but I think it must be minimal. Last time I posted for this was in February.

Press: 65/75 (1, 2 F, 3 F), 70

Push Press: 75, 85, 95

Push Jerk: 95, 105 (1, 2 F, 3), 100

Everything was the same except for push jerk. I went up 15-20 pounds since April.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

3,3,3 OHS, FS, BS

OS - 65/85/85 (F)
FS - 85/105/115
BS - 125/125(F)/125

Im still really sufferning from the WOD from 2 days ago.
I definitely felt the effects of not resting in between WODS today.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Did this in January.
Old time in parentheses.

6:45 (8:24)
8:40 (11:10)
9:31 (12:13)
7:36 (13:11)

Monday, August 24, 2009


Shoulder Press: 80
Back Squat: 155
Deadlift: 250

Upped 5# on my squat and 15# on my deadlift.

Looks like I'll be starting the zone this weekend. Evan is curious to see how much of a difference it makes on my next round of totals.

I am too.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Pressing Stuff

Takin it easy this week.

SP 70/75/75
PP 80/90
PJ 85

Thursday, July 9, 2009


8:10 as RX for women (95#).

Last time (March) I had dropped to 67# from 75 in January. I think in January I did 8:55 at 75#.
Evan says that's great improvement.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Get Tired!

I flipped the BIG tire today.

I made it 3 & 3/4 lengths of the field.

Big day!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009


5 sets of 3

100 (old p.r.)
105 (new p.r.)

Friday, June 26, 2009

Squat Clean, Box Jump

Warm Up
3*10Med Ball Cleans
Back ext

5 Rounds for Time:
7 Squat Cleans M:155 F:100
21 Box Jumps

I couldn't do 100. I BARELY got 95 properly and "properly" is a strectch. I did 88 pounds. It took me till the last round before I got my technique down. This was a really tough work out.

Time - 29:15

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

1.8 Mile Run

Took it easy today.
Ran 1.8 miles in 17:59.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Warm Up
knees to elbows
turkish get ups
pull ups
ring dips

Three rounds for time:
Run 400 meters
1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
12 Handstand push-ups

Time - 15:25

This warm up was awful.

Monday, June 22, 2009


Shoulder Press: 80
Back Squat: 150
Deadlift: 235

This is up 40 pounds since April 13 and 70 pounds since the first time I did it February 6.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Warm Up
Skill work
3*10Kettle Bell Snatch- (5 each hand)
Back Ext
Knees to elbow
Kipping Pull Up Drill

For time:400m Run
10 Sit Ups,
1 Thruster
M:115 F:75
10 Sit Ups,
2 Thrusters
10, 3
400m Run
400m Run
400m Run

This was grueling!!!

Time was 33 something. Prescribed weight for women was 75#. I ended up doing 2 extra pounds just because of the kilo measurements. I can't believe how strenuous this was. By the time I got to my last round, I was so spent I kept dropping the weight. I am still going down too low which means I'm working way harder than necessary.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Overhead Squats

Forgot to post this.

Did this on Wednesday I think:


WAHOO! Century club!!!

Sled Pull/Tire Flip

Warm up:
Warm Up:
3x15 kettlebell/DB snatch
3x15 Sit Ups
3x7 Dead Lift (135# / 75# )

1 round consists of alternating 30M sled drags and 30M tire flips. Each athlete will complete 3 rounds for time followed by a lengthy rest interval.
Repeat 3x.
*Sled weight and Tire size will be scaled as needed.

This was cool. My fastest time was 3:47 and my slowest was 4:07. Actually went faster the second time. I went the third time, but I did the MEN'S WOD. Was TOUGH with the giant tire and what Drew estimated to be 185 I drug.

Friday, June 5, 2009

3 x 15 Squats
3 x 15 Kettle Bell Swing
3 x 15 Back Ext

5 min AMRAP(as many rounds as possible):
5 knees to elbow
4 Wall Ball
3 Burpees
2 Pull -Ups
1 Cartwheel

Dead Lift 3-3-3-3-3


Was not going for a max today. Just watching these shoulders still.

Monday, June 1, 2009


Warm Up:
Basic Joint Mobility
one set of 15 Sit Up
one set of 15 Wall Ball
one set of 15 Knees 2 Elbows

Run 0ne mile
300 Squats
200 Push Ups
100 Pull Ups
Run one mile

RX'd Murph includes 20lb weighted vest for the entire WOD!

I didn't do this: I did 1/2 Murph (per Evan's instructions) and it looks like this:
run 1/2 mile
150 squats
100 push ups
50 pull ups
run 1/2 mile


Notes: pulls ups were with a bungee to slowly work my shoulder back in. Also, I did these straight through instead of breaking them up like he had the other folks do. Next time he wants me to do the full Murph but break them up into sets of 30/20/10 (x 10 rounds). He thinks it will only take me slightly longer than what I did today because you can definitely handle more when they're broken up.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So today Evan told me that I'm officially overtraining. He's concerned that I'm about to end up with a big injury because I'm not listening to my body. He understands my need for it. He would like to see me come Monday, stay home Tuesday, come back Wednesday, practice a skill on Thursday (like technique or double unders), then back on Friday.

Uuummm.....I good with all of it but Tuesday. I need something to do on Tuesday too.


Shoulders still resting.

Last time I ran a mile, Evan wanted it done in under 10 minutes. I made it in 10:30.

Today, however....I did it in 9 mintues exactly!

AWESOME for me!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More leg work

Shoulders on vacation.

Did the workout posted on Crossfit mainpage:

30 sit ups
25 back ext.

5 rounds for time.


My hamstrings are SOOOOOOO tight and they KILLED me doing this today. Too much on the legs the past few days!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tabata Sled Pull

Still nursing shoulders.

Evan set me on the field and had me pull a 150# sled around the perimeter seven times with minute and 1/2 breaks in between. KILLED my calf muscles! Especially after yesterdays sprints. This was an awful work out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

400 meter sprints


Still giving my shoulders a rest and will all week so I'm not doing the regular workout. Will probalby just run all week. Great.

Warm up:
Good mornings
Bridges (those rainbow like back thingys you do as a kid)
PVC overhead pass thru

WOD: 400 meter sprints
Run three laps around the field with long strides and quickly. Rest as long as necessary and do it again for a total of four times.

1. 1:35
2. 1:34
3. 1:39
4. 1:39

Chris ran the last lap with me to push me even though he'd done the workout already. Thanks for that! I needed it. This was painful actually. The first lap I fine with. It's the second and third that kill me. For whatever reason I can't take in breath well at all when I'm pushing so hard like that right now. David said something about muscles catching up to lungs or something. Something about my muscular ability has now surpassed my cardio ability or something. Not sure what he meant or was talking about.

What hurt so bad, besides not being able to take in breaths on that last lap each time, was taking those long strides. It didn't hurt until I would take a break and then it killed from my butt all the way to my feet, ALL down the back side.

Evan told me to really start working on running since its my weakness. So this week is a running week.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It's actually over a 5K. Not sure by how much, but still.
Time - 35:23
Did it January 23 in 41 minutes.
Very happy I shaved off 5 1/2 minutes!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

3, 3, 3 Front Squats and 3, 3, 3 Back Squats

Was supposed to do Overhead Squats but shoulders bothering me again.

Front Squats: 85-95-105
Back Squats: 115-120-125

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

100 Burpees for Time

This was actually yesterdays workout (Cinco De Mayo).
Warm up:
feats of strength
tallest box: 27 inches (added weights to jump on)
Weighted Turkish get-up: made it to 50#. (chris and Evan can do 65# so I'm feeling pretty good about that.)

100 Burpees for time.

Don't remember what my time was exactly, but it was 13 something. This is about 3 minutes shorter than last time which included about 30 seconds of beer drinking time. Evan said no beer this time but we should have done margaritas in honor of the Mexican holiday.


3 * 15overhead squat
ring dips (the most I could do of these was two but I did them.)
knees to elbows

20 push-ups/1 sit-up
19 push-ups/2 sit-up
18 push-ups/3 sit-up
17 push-ups/4 sit-up
16 push-ups/5 sit-up
15 push-ups/6 sit-up
14 push-ups/7 sit-up
13 push-ups/8 sit-up
12 push-ups/9 sit-up
11 push-ups/10 sit-up
10 push-ups/11 sit-up
9 push-ups/12 sit-up
8 push-ups/13 sit-up
7 push-ups/14 sit-up
6 push-ups/15 sit-up
5 push-ups/16 sit-up
4 push-ups/17 sit-up
3 push-ups/18 sit-up
2 push-ups/19 sit-up
1 push-ups/20 sit-up

range of motion for the push up is chest to floor, while maintaining a plank, then fully extending your elbows.

First of all, this work out sucked the day after 100 burpees. time was 25:48 which was only EIGHT SECONDS longer than Chris and just under a MINUTE longer than Drew!

I'm SOOOOO excited about that!

Monday, May 4, 2009

DeadLift 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Warm up:
Sit ups (3 x 15)
back extentions (3 x 15)
Run two laps (x3)

Started at 185 and worked up to 225 for my final max.

That's up from 215 last week.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Filthy 50

Warm up:
Tabata style squats: 8 rounds, 20 second rest IN the squat. This is miserable and should NOT be done before Filthy 50 ever again. My quads were shot before I even started the WOD.

50 20'' box jumps
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettle bell swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press (45#)
50 back ext
50 wall ball (20#)
50 burpee
50 double unders

I actually jumped on a 24" box. Everything else was prescribed as normal. Didn't think I could do 24", but Ox pushed me and it worked. I shaved off 13 minutes from the last time I did this in mid December.

Time - 44:50.
EXCELLENT for me. Still a kick in the ass and I was still breathing hard when I got out of the shower, but cool work out never-the-less. Miserable, but cool.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3,3,3 Press, 3,3,3 Push Press, 3,3,3 Push Jerk

Warm up:

3 x 15 situps

Run one mile (that was BULL!! You don't run a mile for a WARM UP!!! Evan made me go fast. He wanted me done in under 10 minutes. I let Drew be my pace-setter and we made it in 10:30. I guess that's not bad. Especially since I'm not a runner AT ALL!)


Press: 65, 70, 75
Push Press: 75, 80, 90 (Failed the first and third attempts), 85 (failed third attempt)
Push jerk: 70, 75, 85

I FINALLY got the push jerk down, although I was reminded that I got it the last time I did it too. But Drew says I've got the timing down. YAY! I'm pretty sure, since I was doing it correctly, that I could have done more than 85, maybe even 95. But I was tired from that damn run!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009



For some reason I didn't post my time back in January, but Evan thinks it was around 22 minutes. Today was 15 minutes and some odd seconds. Big improvement if he is correct.

As prescribed (65# and kippings.)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I haven't posted in forever, but I've still been working out faithfully. Ate HORRIBLY over the last week. Time to get back to normal. My weight is now down to 140. Out of no where I've dropped four pounds in about a week.

Press: 65/70/75

Sqaut: 115/125/130/135

Deadlift: 190/205/215

= 425 pounds. That 30 more than last time. Very good!

So that means, pound for pound, at my weight and what I did today, for every pound I have I can push/press/squat 3.03 pounds. Evan was happy with that. Evan, Chris, and Drew are all around 4.3-4.5. February 6 I did this and could do 2.71 pounds.

OH!!! Drew taught me something new today. Some kind of grip....When you wrap your hand around the bar you put your fingers over the top of your thumb. Drew said it helps him get an extra 10-15 pounds. It HURTS, but its short-lived. (for deadlifts.)

I LOOOOOVE totals!!!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Deck of Cards (Deck of Death)

Warm Up:
3 15 sit ups with one lap in between

Spades are Box Jumps
Hearts are Pull Ups
Diamonds are Squats
Clubs are Push Ups
Jokers are 21 burpees

In this WOD athletes will complete the number of reps indicated by the card value and the movement indicated by the cards suit. Face cards are 10 reps and Aces are 11!

Did this back in January and my time was 29:55, but I used the short box and did jumping pull ups. Today was AS PRESCRIBED with 24" box and all kippings.

Time - 39:29.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

G.I. Jane

Warm up:
15 sumo dead lift high pull
15 20# med ball cleans

100 burpees/pullups for time.

Last time I did burpees I finished them in about 15 minutes. So I SHOULD be able to complete this in twice the time.

I did.


That feels good. (but the workout sucked...although I still hate all cardio related workouts way worse.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Warm up:

3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back extensions

30 Clean & Jerks (135#s , scale to ability)

I lifted 67# in 5:38. Last time I did this at the end of January, I finished it in 8:55. I'd like to say I dramatically improved, but that was lifting 75#. Sooo...I guess I probably made NO improvement. In fact...for whatever reason I've gotten weaker.

However, after MONTHS of trying to do a jerk properly, I think I'm getting closer. Watching the video of that girl doing on where she splits her legs helped me tremendously.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Warm Up:
3x15 sit up
3x15 squat
3x15 back ext

25 pull up
50 deadlift 135#, 95#
50 push up
50 box jump 24''
50 knees to elbows
50 clean and press DB or Kettlebell
25 Pull up

This was awful. I felt horrible today. Allergies, kink in my neck, AND a female day from hell. I barely finished this WOD. I almost CRIED!!!!!


Evan and Chris kept pushing me though.

Took me 46 minutes to finish this damn thing. But I did it completely as prescribed, kippings and all. I really want to try it again when I feel normal.

Evan said this is the workout the guys from 300 did to get prepped for the movie for like 3 months. It took him about an hour to finish this the first time he did it. But he finally got to a point where it only took him 9 minutes. Today somebody did it in 12. I want that. I want to be able to complete that at least in 15 minutes. Chris did it in 28 I think. I'd be happy with that, but 15 seems like where I'd like to be.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 wall balls
3 x 15 dips (tried on the glute/ham thingy and got all of about 10. Finished the rest on the PVC.)

Front squats
1. 95#
2. 90#
3. 90#
4. 100#

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nifty Fifty

Warm Up
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 push ups

run 1 lap
10 cleans (m 135#, w 95#)
run 1 lap
10 pull ups
run 1 lap
10 clean and jerk (m 135#, w 95#)
run 1 lap
10 box jumps
run 1 lap
10 burpee
run 1 lap

This SOUNDS fun and in a way it is sort of because of the variety,'s a pure kick in the ass.

I SUCK at cleans and clean and jerks. I could do so much more weight if I did it correctly. I just can't get the form down for anything. Especially the jerks. It's always a push press.

87# (which might be a lot to push press for a least for me.)

3,3,3,3,3 Overhead Squats

Warm Up
same as usual

Overhead squats.

1. 65#
2. 75#
3. 80
4. 80 (failed twice and didn't even go for a third)
5. 80 got the 1st one and failed the second one and that was it.
I did all I could do.

This is actually pretty monumental though because the last time I did this was back in January and I think I only did like 35# or so. Soooo....yeaaaaa.....big increase in just two months.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's WOD video

Check this out on Ox's blog for today.
This is what we did.
It was tough, but the end was totally worth it!

St. Patty's Day Work Out

Single greatest workout ever:
100 burpees and 1 pint of Guiness for time.

14 minutes and something.
I was the last to finish among three guys. However, I blew them away on downing that Guiness!


samson stretch
back ext
overhead squat

Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean
30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters.

Note to self: NEVER ever do this one again. This is the single worst work out I have ever done.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


WAHOO! Finally got to do kippings again today and really didn't feel a thing. Was just very nervous about it, but all is well. So far.

Warm Up:
3 x 10 1 arm kettlebell swings
3 x 10 overhead squats with PVC
3 x 10 kippings

3 rounds:
- 800 meter run
- 50 back extensions
- 50 sit ups

Time - 33:22

Those back extensions really do a number on the lower back, but I didn't feel that until after I was done with them each time. What I felt WHILE I was doing it was my caf and hamstring muscles were KILLING me. I could knock out 20 and then they started really hurting.

Didn't check my weight lately, but even after a week off I'd been back to the doctor and was EXACTLY the same as the week or two before: 144.4.
Not sure about this week.

Shoulders really feeling it from rowing yesterday but I REALLY dug that. Wanna do it again and again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This was very cool.

Was a rough morning so Evan had me row at a steady pace for 30 minutes.
I traveled 5095 km. One mile is 1600 km. So I went just over three miles in 30 minutes.
Have no idea if this is a good distance or not, but i LOVED it.
It was a nice pace, felt good, worked most of the body, and was easy on my mind.

Would like to do it more.

Wonder if I could make it an hour?

Friday, February 20, 2009

Run, Deadlift, Sit Ups

Warm UP
3 x 15 push ups (this was tough after 100 burpees yesterday)
SDLHP, Sumo Dead Lift High Pull with kettle bell (unsure of the weight)
Good Mornings

Complete four rounds for time of:
Run 400m (3 laps)
15 deadlifts (95#)
20 Sit-ups with weight (used 12# on till the last round and bumped up to 20#)

Pretty tough workout.

Time - 22:25

Thursday, February 19, 2009

100 Burpees for time (again and so soon!)

Just did this in January I think.
This was Ox's 100th workout at Crossfit. We were supposed to celebrate with what he wanted: Gladiator Day. I was SO stoked about beating people up and getting beaten up! But NOOOOO!!! Evan picked 100 of Ox least favorite exercises. I'm so glad I haven't kept up with how many workouts I've done!!!

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 knees to elbows

(I also threw in an L-sit to see if I could do it well (I did), but I felt it in my shoulders INSTANTLY!) Just when they were getting better....

100 Burpees for time


When I did this last time back in Janauary my time was 13:11. Really thought I would have improved, not tacked on MORE time.

oh well.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Another Day of Running...

Still nursing this shoulder, so couldn't do Cindy since it's so tough on them. (kippings and pushups back to back).

Warm up:
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 wall balls

Ran inside the field for 20 minutes.
18 laps = 1.5 miles exactly.
Evan wants to see me complete two miles in 20 minutes next time.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Catered to me and my shoulder...

No name for this one. David made it up for me.

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 kettle bell (25#)

Jump on the short box 10 times with 12# ball
lunge down the field
pull sled back with 55# weight

Five rounds. Time - 10:23

Thought it was gonna be a cinch. VERY wrong. It hit me half way down the field on the first set of lunges. But David had me push thru. Good cheerleading, dude!

Monday, February 16, 2009

21, 15, 9 Back Squats and Burpees

I'm BACK after one week off of mandatory vacation by Evan. Shoulder still botherin me. Only notice slight improvement. Ibuprofen does nothing. Forgot to ice it the past few days but notice only minimal difference. Do you know how hard it is to NOT use an entire limb? Especially your dominant one?

He modified my warm up to keep my shoulder in recovery mode.

Warm up:
Run two laps
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.

Can't believe how tight my muscles got after just one week of non-use. It was tough doing this warm up today just because my legs had to work so much harder. Weird.

21, 15, 9 of back squats (as prescribed 95#) and burpees.

Freakin HATE burpees!!!!

I want to practice kippings again sooooooo bad!!! It's killing me to lay off of them. Feels like I could pull out 10 right now!

Monday, February 9, 2009


Evan is making me not come in this week anymore to give my body and shoulders a rest so they can heal. ALTHOUGH he said MAYBE I can come back on Thursday or Friday but I think he's really wanting me to NOT.
But I went this morning and he had me do the following after a simple warm up:

For time:
50 situps
Run the loop (1.8 miles)
50 situps

26:00 minutes.

I HATE running.

Friday, February 6, 2009


AWESOME! Never done this before and I've been wanting to.

Here's what Sea Monster says about it:

The CrossFit Total is the sum of the best 3 attempts of the Back Squat, Front Press and Deadlift, the three most effective lifts in existence for developing and testing functional strength.Anyone in a position to attempt a legitimate CrossFit Total should be familiar enough with their capabilities on the lifts to have a fairly good idea of just what might be possible for a one rep max (1RM).

Warm up:
uuummm....I didn't warm up much today. I just ran two laps.

Back Squat , 1 rep
Shoulder Press, 1 rep (I couldn't do this today because my shoulders are messed up from tendonitis)
Deadlift, 1 rep

One note: Today Ox lifted freakin 400 POUNDS!!! KILLER!
Back to me:
Back squat - 125#
Deadlift - 200 POUNDS! YEEEAAAA!!!!!
Shoulder Press (from a few days ago) - 65#

Total: 390 (next time I need to add it up on the spot so I can tack on that last 10 pounds if necessary)

Divide that by body weight: 144 (from two days ago at the dr.'s office) which means that I can push/lift/whatever 2.71 pounds for every one of my pounds. I have no idea if this is good or if this means anything. But it sounds cool and mathematical.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Back Squat 5, 5, 5, 5, 5

Warm up:
3x15 Squat
3x15 Sit Ups
3x15 Back Ext

Back Squats
5 rounds of 5

1. 95#
2. 100#
3. 105#
4. 110#
5. 115#

Push It!

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 push ups
3 x 15 back ext.

WOD: Presses

Shoulder Press: 60/65/65
Push Press: 75/75/80
Push Jerk: 80/85/85


5 rounds for time of:
Run 400 meters
30 Box jump 24 inch box (I did like 14 or 16 inches or something)
30 Wall ball shots, 12 pound ball (for girls)

Think my time was 31:56.


Friday, January 30, 2009


I DID IT!!!!

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 Good Mornings (hold bar over your back shoulders and lean forward only bending knees slightly)
3 x 15 pushups

21 -15 - 9

Thrusters 65#
Pullups (KIPPINGS baby!!!) ALL OF THEM!!!!

"Damn it feels good to be a gangsta."

Ok so I've never done Fran. It's TOUGH but I can't believe it did it as PRESCRIBED!!!!!!
I just can't believe neither Evan nor Chris were there to share it with me. Oh well, done good. I NEED coaching along. If I'm not pushed I'll just quit.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 knees to elbows

30 Reps Clean and Jerk for time

Ok, so I still can't get down a clean and jerk all the way. So I just did power cleans and then threw it up in the air. The power cleans were not the problem. It was getting it up over and over again that bit me.

Time - 8:55
Weight - 75#

Not a horrible workout at all. Still pushes you though.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Team Exercise (???)

There was NO team. It was just me.

Warm up:
20 kettle bell swings (David gave me the bigger kb on round three because the light one was too...light)
15 back ext.
15 glute ham sit- ups

Team workout, two person team, only one athlete may work at a time, except both must do burpees. Finish all reps before moving on to the next excercise.
Three Rounds for time of
-25 back squats (men 225#, women 155#)
10 muscle-ups, or 30 Pull-ups
50 box jumps
75 double unders, or 225 singles!
20 burpees

These totals are combined if you have a partner. Since I didn't, mine looked like this:
15 back squats at 95#
15 pull ups (hanging low with knees pulled up behind me, slight jump, slow pull up, resistance going down)
25 box jumps (still short but more than 12")
100 jump rope singles
15 burpees ("because I was being mean" - David) on the first round and 10 on the last two.

This blew.

Monday, January 26, 2009


Warm Up:
25 steps overhead walking lunges
3x15 knees to elbows

5 rounds of:
20 pull ups (since I'm officially doing kippings now but still can't pull out a bunch in a row, Evan had me do 10 each time)
30 push ups
40 sit ups
50 squats

Each round is for time and 3 minutes recovery is taken between rounds.

Had to get to work and this took a heck of a long time. So I only did four rounds.

Time went like this:
1 - 8:24
2 - 11:10
3 - 12:13
4 - 13:11

This was a bear of a work out. It's really tough going from pullups to pushups right away.

I ran a 5K for breakfast!!!

Warm Up:
25 Turkish Get Ups
20 pull ups
15 sit ups
10 back ext
5 handstand push ups (still just practicing the head stands for now. can't push off the ground yet.)

So...I was thinking on the way in that morning that there was NO way I was running that day. I was totally going to bail if there was any running involved. Turns was ALL running. We actually ran a 5K in 41 minutes!!! I've never done anything like that in my life.

I mean, it totally SUCKED, but I didn't stop like I did the last time I did this. Well....the last time I did this it wasn't THIS. It was only half. Once around the loop.

Chris said that he drove the loop before and it's 1.8 miles. So we did that twice and that apparently comes to just over 5 kilometers.

This was a MAJOR accomplishment for me!!!

I think I should make a t-shirt!!!!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Mario Brothers

Warm Up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 laps
3 x 15 push ups on the medium box to build muscle for hand stand push ups

Box jumping.
Evan is tyring to get me over my medium box jumping phobia.
He set up three different levels of boxes and added weights to them progressively.
To sum up....I jumped the height of the medium box a number of times and then moved to the actual box itself. Think I just did that one a couple of times, even though I had jumped that same height on others with weights stacked on it.
But...bottom line...I DID jump on the medium box.
Told him I knew I couldn't just walk in tomorrow and do it again.
He set them up progressively higher and had me jump all three in a row.

I think I'm rambling.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Big "Bear Complex"

Warm up-
3 X 15 of the following:
over head squat
push up

WOD-Bear Complex

7 Sets of the following sequence:

power clean
front squat
push press
back squat
push press

5 rounds-
-Try to move up in weight each round
-Rest between rounds as needed
-Try to move up weight each round
-During each sequence you can only barely tap the weight on the ground, which means, try not to set it down period during the sequence!

Ok, my shoulder is bothering me still, though not as bad as the other day. So I did NOT add weight to what I was lifting.

Weight: 37 pounds
Time - 13:05

The hardest thing is getting into the swing of this since there are so many different things to do. (at least for me. it's probably a no-brainer for everyone else. I just have to THINK on it too much.)

Four Little Bears

Warm Up:
3x15 knees 2 elbows
3x15 wall ball
3x15 push up or 3x5 handstand push up (I tried this. Evan said "good, now push up." I said "I AM!" Nothing happened. So he had me do pushups from a few inches below the knees on the medium box.)
3x15 dips

4 Rounds for Time of:

25 Sit ups (Glute-Ham Machines)
100 ft bear crawl
25 Weighted Box Jumps 24'' with 20lbs Med Ball
(Because I'm STILL a pansy, I had to use the short box (12" I think) and Evan added one or two weights to it. Can't rememeber. That's was two days ago.)
OH!!! And I only used the 12lb. Med Ball.
100 ft bear crawl

Ok, so you do your sit ups, bear crawl to the box jumps and then bear crawl back and start all over again.

Time - 21:26 (I think. My seconds might be slightly off.)

This was certainly tough, but the worst part about the morning was that Ox would fart and leave me in the wake of it. SO gross!!!

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Overhead Squats

Warm Up:
3 x 15 Sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 push ups
3 x 15 overhead squats with pvc

Work out:
75 overhead squats for time.
Rx: Men - 95#
Women - 65#

I was only able to pull off 35#.
Time - 9:49

Opened and closed with kipping practice. Still can't get that explosion on my push out. Did way less of them today. AND had this FUNKY pain in my arms BEFORE I started the workout (right after kipping practice). It hurt so bad. Not like any muscled pain I've had. I was hoping it would go away. It did while I worked out. Then I finished with kippings again and it came back fiercely. Bout brought tears to my eyes because it hurt so bad. Not sure what that was about.

About two hours finally died down. Hot shower felt good on it, but it didn't fix it. Just time.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009


Warm up:
2 x 15 back extentions
2 x @ 15 kippings
run a lap

Opened and closed the workout with kippings. I think their getting better. Ox said something about the swing being great. But it still feels like I'm flapping about. HOWEVER...I can do waaay more than before AND Evan said I should be adding maybe 1 extra every two weeks. Well, I've been practicing relatively reguarly and I think I've jumped it up more than that in a very short time. The ones I opened and closed with today were broken up in sets of four or five. Two weeks ago I could never have done MORE after one round of four or five, but today I just whipped them out.

ANYway...the WOD:
Shoulder Press, Push Press, Push Jerk
Sets of 3/3/3, upping the weight each time
Mine didn't quite go that way. Not sure why.

Shoulder Press:
60# (only got 2.5)

Push Press:
80# (1.5)
75# (did 3 more)

Push Jerk:
85# (2)
75# (3)

Wish I knew who's been excerising forever and who hasn't. Because I feel like I can't compete. Weird thing is, I've never considered myself competitive...but I think I've already talked about this here.

What I said on today's web postings was that to me...the aboslute hardest part of doing crossfit is not the strength or the's the mental battle. It's all wrapped into a big package that dabbles in things like accomplishment, pride, the need to prove something, and forgetting that we are all at different places in this program. I think there's lots more but I'd rather you not know what goes on in my brain. It's a weird place.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Burpees for Time

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 medicine ball cleans

100 Burpees for time.
Time - 13:11

I averaged 7 or 8 a minute. Haven't done tons of burpees in a long time. It was tough, but nothing like before. MUCH more stamina this time. Next time Evan wants me to try to average 10 a minute so I can complete in 10 minutes.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Virtual Shoveling

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 push ups (think I accidentally did 10 on my first round)
3 x 15 overhead squats with PVC

For time 30, 25, 20, 15, 10, and 5 rep rounds of:

Virtual shoveling ( time I'm doing the prescribed. Not sure why David didn't start me out on that. He's right, though, it would have slowed my time, but I could have done it.)

Pull-ups (David had me open with kippings before I started and after I finished he had me do 5 more. My jumping pull-ups are all resistance using very little actual jumping, and whole lot of pulling, and no falling but slowly easing down. These are tough.)

With an Olympic bar holding only one plate (men use 45 pound plate, women use 25 pound plate), touch the plate on one side of the barrier then the other for one "rep." Barrier is 24."

Shoveling was very easy and went quickly. Pull-ups were the bear.

Time: 16:11

Kind of a fun workout only because it's not brutal and I could have gone again after a rest.

Friday, January 9, 2009


Warm up:
2 x 15 back ext.
2 x 15 sit ups
2 x 4 kippings
2 x 15 ring push ups (about 2/3 modified)
I don't have the strength for these yet.

21/15/9 then run 800m then 9/15/21 reps of:
-Front Squat and Push Jerk (I did push press because I can't master two fluid movements at the same time. How many times to I have to tell you people that I CANNOT multi-task!!!)
sub 800m for 5 laps

This work out SUCKED.
I did 65# on front squats.
45# on push press.
Time: 39:05

This was so miserable. I hate all things 21/15/9 and I especially hate 9/15/21!!!

But it's over. I officially did Ox. Hope I never have to do it like that again.

Thursday, January 8, 2009


Warm up:
2 x 15 back ext.
2 x 15 sit ups
2 x 4 kippings
2 x 5 95# deadlifts



3 x 125
3 x 135
3 x 145
3 x 155
3 x 160

He had me focus on tightening my back up, in fact, my entire core. Taking a big breath just before I lift and putting force into the bar just before I lift. Physcially it's great. I love doing deadlifts. just have so much to wrap your mind around to make it work properly. But he said I did good. Said when I do my totals Evan says he should be able to add 15 more pounds when I'm fresh and that I'm getting scarily close to 200 pounds.

I'm a little nervous though. I'm already feeling pretty sore and I only finished an hour and a half ago.

Oh...Evan also told me that I should be able to add one kipping every two weeks. Today I did four each time but I seem to have lost the ability to explosively push away. Or...maybe I never had it. Or I'm just spent.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

FGB numbers

Forgot to put those numbers down on Fight Gone Bad.

Box Jumps 7/12/9
Push Press 6/5/6 (55#)
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull 20/14/15 (55#)
Wall Ball 9/10/9 (20#)
Jump Rope 55/63/48

Fight Gone Bad

In this workout, you move from each of five stations after a minute. This is a five Minute round
from which a one minute break is allowed before repeating. The stations are as fallows:

Wall Ball: 20lbs
Sumo Deadlift high pull: 75lbs (55# for women)
Box Jumps: 20 #
Push Press: 75 lbs (55# for me)
Jump rope: Score by dividing total reps by 5.

The clock does not reset or stop between stations. On call of "Rotate," the athletes must move
to the next station quickly. One point is awarded for each rep.

Total 166.

Evan had me do those step-ups on the box because I still couldn't get up there. Plus I worked out last night. This morning Evan said "you're about to learn what it means to overtrain." I did. I was dead. Had nothing to give my workout. This sucked today, but I'm very curious to see how I would do this on a normal day.

Told Evan I'm not gonna do zone because I've got to much to deal with right now. So he wants me to do the caveman diet and not worry about portions. I was just gonna eat the food on the zone. I think I like that better than the caveman thing.

Chris did AMAZING today on this workout! Evan made it to 196 I think. Chris did 272. Evan said average was 200 I believe. And 300 was outstanding....SOOOOOOO....they did amazing!!!

Deck of Death

Diamonds = Push ups

Spades = Pull ups
 (scale as needed, jumping pull ups)
Hearts = Box Jumps (I did the short box)
Clubs = Sit ups

Jokers = Sled Drag

Shuffle a deck of cards then go through all of them for time. Each numbered card is face value, aces are 11, and face cards are 10.

Did it at night. HATE working out at night. Too many people and I kind of feel spent for the day. This workout sucks but it's great too.

Time: 29:55

My deck was actually missing jokers. I didn't know that till I was done. I told David I wanted to do the bear crawls anyway and he couldn't really add to my time because he was still timing others. So he just said to go do them and keep my time the same. I did em. They sucked. But I finished. I do those slow pull ups now. Can't really hit kippings in a workout like this yet. But Evan wants me to do them in warm ups. I just have to remember. I like this workout.