Tuesday, December 30, 2008

CFFM 2008 Chipper WOD

Did this in Fort Myers with my brother. When they get t-shirts in, Jason Cobb (owner) is gonna let me know so I can buy one. He let me work out for free! VERY nice guy but the workout sucked (as they all do).

Run 400-M
Row 500-M
30 Box Jumps @ 16"
30 Pull-Ups
30 Thrusters (63/95) (I did 55#....that's 10 more than before)
Row 500-M
30 Walking Lunges
30 Burpee Lateral Tire Jumps
30 SDLHP (63/95) (I did 55#)
Run 400-M

Time: 46:01 (not great at all. That was the longest time of all the people that came in before me.)

Got to do the rower today for the first time. It's really not bad at all.
But OH MY GOD!!! The Burpee Tire Jumps were HORRIBLE!!! You do a burpee and instead of jumping up and clapping, you jump straight into a big tire and out the other side. That's one. I think it probably took me 10 minutes to finish all 30 of them. HATED them!!! In fact, Michael did SIX and quit them! HA!

I felt very little compulsion to push really hard today since I knew my fellow people at home were doing a different workout than me. And Jason didn't push me much since he didn't know me and I already made it clear I wasn't pushing. (its the holidays!!!)

Miss everybody!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Filthy 50

Warm up:
Ran a couple of laps and stretched a lot. No need for much of a warm up with this one. (People's choice.)

Work out:
50 box jumps (24'' Box) (I only did the 12" I think)
50 jumping pull-ups
50 kettle bell swings (36lbs or one pood) (what the heck is pood???)
50 lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press (45Lbs)
50 back ext
50 wall ball (Have I mentioned that I HATE wall balls?! This time I just did the 12 pound...much easier)
50 burpees
50 double unders (sub 150 singles)

Don't remember what my time was last time I did this...but BEFORE I only did the "sort of dirty 25". I finally tackled it this time and managed to get thru in 57:52. Curious to see how much time I can shave off next time. Ox shaved off a good 20 minutes from the last time we did it.

Heading out of town and am worried I'll get out of the habit. Gonna give Crossfit Ft. Meyers a try with Michael. VERY excited! He's gonna LOVE it!!!! They have just run out of t-shirts, but I think I may have one sent to me if they're inexpensive. Still want my favorite Crossfit shirt ever but can never buy it because I can never wear it. https://store.crossfit.com/cgi-bin/cp-app.cgi?usr=51F16062&rnd=54795&rrc=N&affl=&cip=&act=&aff=&pg=prod&ref=cfshirtscom2&cat=cfshirtscom&catstr=HOME:cfshirtscom

Merry Christmas everybody!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008



3x15 knees to elbows

3x15 Overhead Squat

3x15 Back Extensions


Complete as many rounds in 20 min as you can of: 5 Pull-ups, 10 Push-ups, 15 Squats

This was actually not so bad. I just feel like crap from hittin it twice on Friday. Woke up yesterday morning in quite a bit of pain in my arms. Think I kind of pulled something in my right arm all down the bottom. (whatever that long muscle is called that runs the length of your upper half). Just didn't push at all today. Chris way out-did me. (again)

I FINALLY did some kippings!!! Three in a row, in fact. Not sure if I can do them again (arms are useless for a while). But was sooooooooooooo stoked that I finally did it! Been trying forever to make it happen and just couldn't get up there.

WAHOO!!! Three in a row!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I need a treat.


Friday, December 19, 2008

4 of Diamonds

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 push ups
3 x 15 pull ups

3 rounds for time
40 push press (45 lbs)
30 squats
20 dips
30 singles- (jump rope)

This morning was TOUGH. Chris just pushed right thru those push presses like butter. I struggled with them. He finished in half my time (again.) Yea, yea...not apples to apples...whatever. Anyway...I went back and did it again tonight. Never done this twice in the same day. The things we do to make people happy. This was the WORST day to do it twice. Usually I'm amped by lunch and ready to run or something. Usually feel like I could do the WOD all over again by then. Rearin to go! But no today. When I finished this morning my arms were like jelly. Very useless. Couldn't even lift them up to the steering wheel without using the other as a lift. Then it turned out to be one of the crappiest days. Hey God...I wonder...how many more things are you gonna take away from me? Can this year get any worse????!!!! There's only a few days left. Why not just throw in another tragedy of some sort?

Anyway, going in a second time in a day...THIS day...was rough. BUT....somehow...it didn't seem quite as tough as this morning. I managed to shave off almost two whole minutes from the morning.

The thing I don't get though..is why, oh why are these other ladies doing prescribed...some have JUST started...and they are STILL kicking my butt. I mean, I understand that Chris is kicking me...(I'm gonna play the "weaker vessel" card as long as humanly possible), but the other ladies??! I GUESS Jessica finishing in like 10 minutes is acceptable because she's been quite the athlete for a number of years, but what about the others?


Maybe this just isn't for me.

I should probably re-think this whole mess.

I should probably re-think life in general.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Ragu (It's in there!)

Warm Up:

3x15 Air Squat
3x15 Pull Ups
3x15 Push Ups

25 Walking Lunges
50 Wall Ball
75 Sit Ups
100 Box Jumps

18:35. Chris finished 2 1/2 minutes before me. Wall Ball KILLS me! I HATE IT!!! And I had to use the short box, of course. Today was not the day to try to conquer the medium one. (again) This was a kick in the butt, but overall good. Except for the wall ball crap. I DID, however, use the 20# ball (as prescribed), but Evan told me he wasn't gonna let any of the other ladies use that one. They were going with the 12# ball. WAHOO!!!!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Front Squat

Warm Up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext
3 x 15 front squat practice with PVC

Front Squats
7 rounds of 3 reps front squat, Increasing weight each set of reps to get to a 3 rep max.

1. 65
2. 75
3. 80
4. 80
5. 80
6. 85
7. 95

I liked this work out today. It was fun. Kept almost bottoming out in the beginning because I squat too low and was REALLY struggling to get up from that. David had me go just below parallel and it was quite a bit easier. Until I got cocky and ended up falling backwards on him. Good thing he was spottin me cuz I probably would have been little crushed under that weight.

Gonna start going more often effective immediately. ALTHOUGH....I'm forced to take a break due to holiday shut-down. Thanks Velocity.

And yes...Chris assaulted David today.
It's ok, dude...I stay in a constant state of paranoia when I'm lifting or exerting....living in fear of the same threat.

Overall...GREAT WOD!!!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Sumo Dead Lift High Pull and Push Press

Warm up:
uuhhh...a few things
3 x 15 Sit ups
Kipping practice (still no-go)
Push Press practice with PVC
Other stuff I can't remember

21 - 15 - 9
Sumo Dead Lift High Pull (47#)
Push Press (45#)


I'm pretty stoked because I finished only two minutes later than Ox. That NEVER happens! Oh wait...except that one time when I beat him twice in a day. That was a fine day. He still kicks my butt every time in everything else we do. But two minutes ain't bad. Just glad Dr. Drew wasn't there. I'm sure he'd have finished in all of five minutes.
Evan started me out at about 57# (I think) then backed me down for the sake of endurance. Was still brutal on me. As are all of our WODs. I hate crossfit. But I love it.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Squat Cleans

Warm Up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
box jumps

Squat cleans - sets of 3, 3, 3, 3, 3
Started with 45#
55# on the next set
then dropped back down to 45# the last three sets.

I tried that stupid medium box today and just couldn't do it. Chris piled up the 10 pound weight on top for me then added the thicker 25# weight. It scared me to death. I think I did the first jump without any extras on top, but then when the others got put on I froze. I must have stood there for 15-20 minutes staring at that stupid box and just couldn't make my body move. Don't know what I'm so afraid of. I was so angry and frustrated, but my good friend just stood by my side waiting for me to make the jump and encouraging me. I love my friends but I hate that I'm afraid of a dumb box....a BOX!!!!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


Team Workout-
Complete 4 rounds for time of:
-7 medicine ball clean ladder
-7 box jump ladder
-run two laps outside the field

One person does a rep, then the next person does a rep, then the next person does a rep, etc. After everyone has done one, the first person then does two reps. Go all the way to seven reps.

32 minutes

Today it was me and Ox. And he's right: this is far more a mental game than physical stamina. I finally was able to do the medium size box today but David made me stick with the little one after a while. Don't know why I'm so afraid of that box. Chris finished in about 23 minutes. It took me 11 more to complete this thing. I'm sure Drew would have had the whole thing done in 10 minutes. I just can't keep up with them. I've been doing this for 4 months now and Chris has only been doing it for two months longer. Shouldn't I be there by now???
Major props to Chris for pushing me to finish quicker. David was great too. I need it. I'm just too lazy.

Monday, December 8, 2008

My Inner Hellion

I've done the math. Last year at this time (after being on meds that beefed me up rather plumply) I topped out around 185. I don't think I weighed quite that much even when I was pregnant. I came off them the end of December and in the spring after none of the weight came back off, I started taking Ultra 90 to help it because I hate exercise and I wanted an easy fix. I lost about 10 pounds with that over three months. Oh...I did walk a bit while I was taking that too.

So that put me at 175.

In mid-August I started Crossfit. As of this morning I was at 147. That means I've lost 28 pounds since starting Crossfit 4 months ago, which comes to 7 pounds a month. You'd think I'd have gone down several clothing sizes after that much weight loss. But only a little. Before I started I was in a 14 and pushing dangerously close to a 16. Now I'm down to a 10 and those are getting a little big on me. I figure in a month or so I might be down to an 8. Been a LONG time since that happened.

I have never been competitive or athletic. AT ALL. I suck at sports and I could care less if someone beat me at a game of any kind really. Although I did take great pride in knowing that I blew everyone away in sales when I sold Pampered Chef. I was a legend for a while. ;)

But NOW???? Damn...
Now...whatever beast has been dormant in me has been set free. (Ergo...."Tyler Durden")

However...I DO wish I could be as wired in the mornings for work outs as I get throughout the day. My vote is that we install a ginormous big screen in the gym so that I can watch movies that pump my blood like 300 or Fight Club. Even Batman (the newest one). These movies are like porn for me! These would get me going for a workout!

Makes my blood flow: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QkWS9PiXekE
Warm Up:
3x15 sit ups
3x10 pressing snatch balance
3x15 pull ups
40 yard walking lunge ( Broom stick/barbell)
3 Rounds for time of:
10 Push Jerk (3/4 body weight)
100 Jump Rope (or 30 double unders)

67# in 11:09.
A girl did 65# in 7 minutes. I suck at this. Very slow.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Heavy Thrusters

3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 push ups
Practice heavy thrusters with 45# bar.

10 x 65#
10 x 55#
10 x 45#
Time: 8:35

Struggling to get up from the squat. Can't really get power till about half way up.
Practiced more kippings. CANNOT get technique down. VERY frustrating.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Warm Up:
3x15 sit up
3x15 push up
3x15 back ext
100 singles or 30 double unders
"Kelly" Run 400M
30 box jumps
30 wall balls
5 rounds for time! ( Scaled versions run between 2 and 4 rounds).

I did three rounds because we started late. Time - 26:03

"Kelly" BLOWS!