Monday, March 30, 2009

Deck of Cards (Deck of Death)

Warm Up:
3 15 sit ups with one lap in between

Spades are Box Jumps
Hearts are Pull Ups
Diamonds are Squats
Clubs are Push Ups
Jokers are 21 burpees

In this WOD athletes will complete the number of reps indicated by the card value and the movement indicated by the cards suit. Face cards are 10 reps and Aces are 11!

Did this back in January and my time was 29:55, but I used the short box and did jumping pull ups. Today was AS PRESCRIBED with 24" box and all kippings.

Time - 39:29.

Thursday, March 26, 2009

G.I. Jane

Warm up:
15 sumo dead lift high pull
15 20# med ball cleans

100 burpees/pullups for time.

Last time I did burpees I finished them in about 15 minutes. So I SHOULD be able to complete this in twice the time.

I did.


That feels good. (but the workout sucked...although I still hate all cardio related workouts way worse.)

Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Warm up:

3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 back extensions

30 Clean & Jerks (135#s , scale to ability)

I lifted 67# in 5:38. Last time I did this at the end of January, I finished it in 8:55. I'd like to say I dramatically improved, but that was lifting 75#. Sooo...I guess I probably made NO improvement. In fact...for whatever reason I've gotten weaker.

However, after MONTHS of trying to do a jerk properly, I think I'm getting closer. Watching the video of that girl doing on where she splits her legs helped me tremendously.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Warm Up:
3x15 sit up
3x15 squat
3x15 back ext

25 pull up
50 deadlift 135#, 95#
50 push up
50 box jump 24''
50 knees to elbows
50 clean and press DB or Kettlebell
25 Pull up

This was awful. I felt horrible today. Allergies, kink in my neck, AND a female day from hell. I barely finished this WOD. I almost CRIED!!!!!


Evan and Chris kept pushing me though.

Took me 46 minutes to finish this damn thing. But I did it completely as prescribed, kippings and all. I really want to try it again when I feel normal.

Evan said this is the workout the guys from 300 did to get prepped for the movie for like 3 months. It took him about an hour to finish this the first time he did it. But he finally got to a point where it only took him 9 minutes. Today somebody did it in 12. I want that. I want to be able to complete that at least in 15 minutes. Chris did it in 28 I think. I'd be happy with that, but 15 seems like where I'd like to be.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Front Squat 5, 5, 5, 5

Warm up:
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 wall balls
3 x 15 dips (tried on the glute/ham thingy and got all of about 10. Finished the rest on the PVC.)

Front squats
1. 95#
2. 90#
3. 90#
4. 100#

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Nifty Fifty

Warm Up
3 x 15 back ext.
3 x 15 sit ups
3 x 15 squats
3 x 15 push ups

run 1 lap
10 cleans (m 135#, w 95#)
run 1 lap
10 pull ups
run 1 lap
10 clean and jerk (m 135#, w 95#)
run 1 lap
10 box jumps
run 1 lap
10 burpee
run 1 lap

This SOUNDS fun and in a way it is sort of because of the variety,'s a pure kick in the ass.

I SUCK at cleans and clean and jerks. I could do so much more weight if I did it correctly. I just can't get the form down for anything. Especially the jerks. It's always a push press.

87# (which might be a lot to push press for a least for me.)

3,3,3,3,3 Overhead Squats

Warm Up
same as usual

Overhead squats.

1. 65#
2. 75#
3. 80
4. 80 (failed twice and didn't even go for a third)
5. 80 got the 1st one and failed the second one and that was it.
I did all I could do.

This is actually pretty monumental though because the last time I did this was back in January and I think I only did like 35# or so. Soooo....yeaaaaa.....big increase in just two months.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patrick's WOD video

Check this out on Ox's blog for today.
This is what we did.
It was tough, but the end was totally worth it!

St. Patty's Day Work Out

Single greatest workout ever:
100 burpees and 1 pint of Guiness for time.

14 minutes and something.
I was the last to finish among three guys. However, I blew them away on downing that Guiness!


samson stretch
back ext
overhead squat

Complete three rounds for time of:
95 pound Squat clean
30 reps
30 Pull-ups
Run 800 meters.

Note to self: NEVER ever do this one again. This is the single worst work out I have ever done.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


WAHOO! Finally got to do kippings again today and really didn't feel a thing. Was just very nervous about it, but all is well. So far.

Warm Up:
3 x 10 1 arm kettlebell swings
3 x 10 overhead squats with PVC
3 x 10 kippings

3 rounds:
- 800 meter run
- 50 back extensions
- 50 sit ups

Time - 33:22

Those back extensions really do a number on the lower back, but I didn't feel that until after I was done with them each time. What I felt WHILE I was doing it was my caf and hamstring muscles were KILLING me. I could knock out 20 and then they started really hurting.

Didn't check my weight lately, but even after a week off I'd been back to the doctor and was EXACTLY the same as the week or two before: 144.4.
Not sure about this week.

Shoulders really feeling it from rowing yesterday but I REALLY dug that. Wanna do it again and again.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


This was very cool.

Was a rough morning so Evan had me row at a steady pace for 30 minutes.
I traveled 5095 km. One mile is 1600 km. So I went just over three miles in 30 minutes.
Have no idea if this is a good distance or not, but i LOVED it.
It was a nice pace, felt good, worked most of the body, and was easy on my mind.

Would like to do it more.

Wonder if I could make it an hour?