Saturday, April 30, 2011

The Royal Wedding

I really don't care about the wedding of Prince William and Kate. But I'm glad its over so we can get back to focusing on death and destruction.

I see all the Facebook posts about folks buying a new HD t.v. so they can view the wedding in hi-def. All the folks who love the idea of the fairytale wedding and so on. Perhaps I'm jaded or perhaps I've never cared about other people's fairytales. It's just too far from reality.

I've had mixed emotions about it though. Some folks are angry that the news focused on the wedding instead of continuing coverage of the tornadoes in the Southeast. But the fact of the matter is, whether you care about the wedding or death and destruction, life goes on. All over the world, life continues to move no matter what is happening in our microscopic surroundings.

I think that in a way, some people need the wedding (or anything else positive for that matter) as a distraction from the realities of our broken lives in this fallen world. I don't care about the wedding (did I say that already?), but I can't really be irritated with those that do.

I'm far more irritated with the folks who blast the newscasters for talking about the wedding instead of constantly focusing on all the destruction from the tornadoes, or the war, or the starving children, or rape, or....shall I continue? The news is typically obsessed with the negative to the point that many people can't watch it anymore because it's so depressing.

But nothing has changed. These things have been going on all over the world since the beginning. People say it has gotten worse. Has it? Or are we just more aware of it now that it is being broadcast everywhere we turn? Statistically, the numbers of crime and destruction are the same as they were 100 years ago. War? Nothing new. Earthquakes? Nothing new. Abuse? Nothing new.

I don't care about a single detail of the wedding, but it sure has been a change of pace from what we normally hear.

Again, I say, I'm glad the wedding is over so now we can get back to focusing on death and destruction.

Rubbernecking on Facebook

I'm dying to post the following as my status update, but never will because it would make so many people angry (at least the ones to which it applies.)

"I'd unfriend you, but it would rob me of the joy of complaining about your narcissistic cries for attention."

I, like most probably, got sucked into Facebook in the beginning, but realized it consumed way to o much of my time. Then I realized, after the novelty wore off, that I just didn't care about every flippin detail of the lives of people I barely knew and yet still called "friends."

Then I got my Droid. The pre-loaded Facebook app made it quick and easy to take a quick glance at whatever people were saying. I started looking at it just to distract myself from my own life and stresses. It gave me something else to focus on or think about.

I am weirded out by the number of people who post some of the most intimate details about their lives, or even the ones who post all of their activities at each moment. How do they have time to do that?? "About to watch two movies all alone, drink some wine, take a hot bath, and go to bed." "Had an excellent bowel movement this morning. THANK YOU broccoli!!"

Thankfully I've never actually seen the last one, but I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.

I could unfriend these folks, but would rob me of the joy of complaining about them. I suppose it like watching Dr. Phil or Jerry Springer. You think, ' least I'm not that guy!'

Recently a woman was complaining, right on Facebook for all her "friends" to see, about her husbands bathroom habits. (i.e. drips, not putting the seat up, etc.) How utterly humiliating that must have been for him. Another woman (I don't even know how I know her....same high school maybe?) is frequently complaining about her friends wrong-doings towards her and then essentially comes back with how great she is, and why is it so hard to just be as awesome as her.

I mostly roll my eyes at these and in some cases drop my mouth in shock. But, like Springer, it's kind of like a bad car wreck. You just can't look away.

Changing my blog

I've decided to return to my blog, but not for keeping up with Crossfit anymore.

I had to dramatically change my frequency at the gym because of life and stress levels. Not to mention the impact that stress is taking on my body these days. Odd to me that it took so long, but I've been told that 1. it's cumulative, and 2. my health was so good that I physically coped well, but it is finally taking its toll.

I don't expect anyone to read these, so forgive me in advance if you stumble upon my rants and are offended by the bluntness and crassness.

I think it's appropriate to keep the name Tyler Durden. It's who I really am. :)