Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Filthy 50

Warm up:
Tabata style squats: 8 rounds, 20 second rest IN the squat. This is miserable and should NOT be done before Filthy 50 ever again. My quads were shot before I even started the WOD.

50 20'' box jumps
50 jumping pull ups
50 kettle bell swings
50 walking lunges
50 knees to elbows
50 push press (45#)
50 back ext
50 wall ball (20#)
50 burpee
50 double unders

I actually jumped on a 24" box. Everything else was prescribed as normal. Didn't think I could do 24", but Ox pushed me and it worked. I shaved off 13 minutes from the last time I did this in mid December.

Time - 44:50.
EXCELLENT for me. Still a kick in the ass and I was still breathing hard when I got out of the shower, but cool work out never-the-less. Miserable, but cool.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

3,3,3 Press, 3,3,3 Push Press, 3,3,3 Push Jerk

Warm up:

3 x 15 situps

Run one mile (that was BULL!! You don't run a mile for a WARM UP!!! Evan made me go fast. He wanted me done in under 10 minutes. I let Drew be my pace-setter and we made it in 10:30. I guess that's not bad. Especially since I'm not a runner AT ALL!)


Press: 65, 70, 75
Push Press: 75, 80, 90 (Failed the first and third attempts), 85 (failed third attempt)
Push jerk: 70, 75, 85

I FINALLY got the push jerk down, although I was reminded that I got it the last time I did it too. But Drew says I've got the timing down. YAY! I'm pretty sure, since I was doing it correctly, that I could have done more than 85, maybe even 95. But I was tired from that damn run!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009



For some reason I didn't post my time back in January, but Evan thinks it was around 22 minutes. Today was 15 minutes and some odd seconds. Big improvement if he is correct.

As prescribed (65# and kippings.)

Monday, April 13, 2009


I haven't posted in forever, but I've still been working out faithfully. Ate HORRIBLY over the last week. Time to get back to normal. My weight is now down to 140. Out of no where I've dropped four pounds in about a week.

Press: 65/70/75

Sqaut: 115/125/130/135

Deadlift: 190/205/215

= 425 pounds. That 30 more than last time. Very good!

So that means, pound for pound, at my weight and what I did today, for every pound I have I can push/press/squat 3.03 pounds. Evan was happy with that. Evan, Chris, and Drew are all around 4.3-4.5. February 6 I did this and could do 2.71 pounds.

OH!!! Drew taught me something new today. Some kind of grip....When you wrap your hand around the bar you put your fingers over the top of your thumb. Drew said it helps him get an extra 10-15 pounds. It HURTS, but its short-lived. (for deadlifts.)

I LOOOOOVE totals!!!