Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Speed Dating

Oh, ok! I'll go first! *fake sheepish grin*

Let's see...a few things about me...

1. I don't like to be uncomfortable.

2. Any liquid, solid, or gelatinous substance in between that can be lost from the body is detestable unto me.

3. I'm a Leo. But when we had that big Astrological changeover, I think I became a Cancer. But I was always on the cusp of that anyway (just depended on which calendar you were looking at.) So I might be a Cancer or a Leo.

But I digress.

4. If forced to be a missionary on an island I would choose Bermuda....or New Zealand because I really like Hobbits.

5. If I had to be a cartoon character, it would definitely be Smurfette. Two reasons:
A. I wouldn't have to listen to any more bitching, griping, or complaining by women.
B. Do the math.

Listen...I know I'm a catch, but don't be intimidated. I mean even I have been rather intimidated by all I have to offer. But I'm sure you will come to see that I will make up for all of your inadequacies so you have nothing to fear.

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