Tuesday, May 19, 2009


So today Evan told me that I'm officially overtraining. He's concerned that I'm about to end up with a big injury because I'm not listening to my body. He understands my need for it. He would like to see me come Monday, stay home Tuesday, come back Wednesday, practice a skill on Thursday (like technique or double unders), then back on Friday.

Uuummm.....I good with all of it but Tuesday. I need something to do on Tuesday too.


Shoulders still resting.

Last time I ran a mile, Evan wanted it done in under 10 minutes. I made it in 10:30.

Today, however....I did it in 9 mintues exactly!

AWESOME for me!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

More leg work

Shoulders on vacation.

Did the workout posted on Crossfit mainpage:

30 sit ups
25 back ext.

5 rounds for time.


My hamstrings are SOOOOOOO tight and they KILLED me doing this today. Too much on the legs the past few days!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tabata Sled Pull

Still nursing shoulders.

Evan set me on the field and had me pull a 150# sled around the perimeter seven times with minute and 1/2 breaks in between. KILLED my calf muscles! Especially after yesterdays sprints. This was an awful work out.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

400 meter sprints


Still giving my shoulders a rest and will all week so I'm not doing the regular workout. Will probalby just run all week. Great.

Warm up:
Good mornings
Bridges (those rainbow like back thingys you do as a kid)
PVC overhead pass thru

WOD: 400 meter sprints
Run three laps around the field with long strides and quickly. Rest as long as necessary and do it again for a total of four times.

1. 1:35
2. 1:34
3. 1:39
4. 1:39

Chris ran the last lap with me to push me even though he'd done the workout already. Thanks for that! I needed it. This was painful actually. The first lap I fine with. It's the second and third that kill me. For whatever reason I can't take in breath well at all when I'm pushing so hard like that right now. David said something about muscles catching up to lungs or something. Something about my muscular ability has now surpassed my cardio ability or something. Not sure what he meant or was talking about.

What hurt so bad, besides not being able to take in breaths on that last lap each time, was taking those long strides. It didn't hurt until I would take a break and then it killed from my butt all the way to my feet, ALL down the back side.

Evan told me to really start working on running since its my weakness. So this week is a running week.

Monday, May 11, 2009


It's actually over a 5K. Not sure by how much, but still.
Time - 35:23
Did it January 23 in 41 minutes.
Very happy I shaved off 5 1/2 minutes!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

3, 3, 3 Front Squats and 3, 3, 3 Back Squats

Was supposed to do Overhead Squats but shoulders bothering me again.

Front Squats: 85-95-105
Back Squats: 115-120-125

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

100 Burpees for Time

This was actually yesterdays workout (Cinco De Mayo).
Warm up:
feats of strength
tallest box: 27 inches (added weights to jump on)
Weighted Turkish get-up: made it to 50#. (chris and Evan can do 65# so I'm feeling pretty good about that.)

100 Burpees for time.

Don't remember what my time was exactly, but it was 13 something. This is about 3 minutes shorter than last time which included about 30 seconds of beer drinking time. Evan said no beer this time but we should have done margaritas in honor of the Mexican holiday.


3 * 15overhead squat
ring dips (the most I could do of these was two but I did them.)
knees to elbows

20 push-ups/1 sit-up
19 push-ups/2 sit-up
18 push-ups/3 sit-up
17 push-ups/4 sit-up
16 push-ups/5 sit-up
15 push-ups/6 sit-up
14 push-ups/7 sit-up
13 push-ups/8 sit-up
12 push-ups/9 sit-up
11 push-ups/10 sit-up
10 push-ups/11 sit-up
9 push-ups/12 sit-up
8 push-ups/13 sit-up
7 push-ups/14 sit-up
6 push-ups/15 sit-up
5 push-ups/16 sit-up
4 push-ups/17 sit-up
3 push-ups/18 sit-up
2 push-ups/19 sit-up
1 push-ups/20 sit-up

range of motion for the push up is chest to floor, while maintaining a plank, then fully extending your elbows.

First of all, this work out sucked the day after 100 burpees. BUT...my time was 25:48 which was only EIGHT SECONDS longer than Chris and just under a MINUTE longer than Drew!

I'm SOOOOO excited about that!

Monday, May 4, 2009

DeadLift 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

Warm up:
Sit ups (3 x 15)
back extentions (3 x 15)
Run two laps (x3)

Started at 185 and worked up to 225 for my final max.

That's up from 215 last week.